First Lady Julia Jenkins

Julia was born and raised in Panama City, Panama. She immigrated to the United States of America in 1976.  Four years later, she received Jesus as her Lord and Savior. In response to her impoverished circumstances, she began praying to God for guidance. This action laid the early prayer foundation in her life, setting her on course for an intimate relationship with God.

Julia married Chris Jenkins in 1988. Their mutual love for God and obedience to His call on their lives, underscored their work in the ministry. Despite maintaining full-time professional occupations, they worked tireless as youth pastors at their church for sixteen years. During that time, she taught, trained, and mentored many youths. Some of the youth hold offices in the Body of Christ today. In November of 1997, they responded to a higher call of God when they founded Greater Works Church (GWC) in Temecula, California.  GWC is a multi-cultural ministry whose mission is to witness and demonstrate the love of God to the unsaved, untaught, and the unchurched.

Both Julia and her husband attended Bethel Christian College where they received higher biblical learning.  They are under the Pastorate of Bishop I.V. Hilliard of New Light Christian Center Church in Houston, Texas where she also received her ordination in 2002.

As First Lady of GWC, Julia ensures the atmosphere of each service is spiritually set for the teaching of God’s word.   A great passion for excellence in ministry resonates from her spirit and guides her oversight of leadership training for all the workers in the ministry.   She is also the founder and visionary of God’s Total Woman Ministry which encourages women to become totally whole, delivered, and set free by the power of God’s word. Her call and passion for true prayer and intercession has impacted many lives, calling them to a place of intimacy and prayer with God. She is a dynamic and anointed speaker used by God in a powerful and prophetic ministry. Her practical application of biblical principles and transparency in sharing her own life experiences inspires women to become “prayer warriors”.  Also, she has held several Wailing Woman Conferences wherein many of the attendees received healing and deliverance from strongholds in their minds and bodies.  Some of the countries she has ministered in include: China, Mexico, and Canada. The transformation of her life through the word of God is depicted in her recent book, “Becoming God’s Total Woman.”

Pastor Chris and First Lady Julia are committed to take God’s Word to a hurting and lost generation.  The Lord has blessed them with two daughters and six grandchildren. In addition to their full time jobs, marriages and child-rearing responsibilities, their daughters hold leadership positions in the ministry. Together, they are working with the Greater Works family to build greater communities in the Inland Empire for the advancement of the Kingdom of God.

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